Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Steady Beating of a Drum

What is love? This is the single, magical question that has been posed by scholars and civilians alike for centuries. So, what is love? Love is a complex and confusing passion that is so powerful it practically hurts. Ironically, it is also practically every girls' (and guys') most sought after emotion. But what most people don't realize, is that love is so much more than just a feeling or an emotion. It's a multitude of indescribable reactions towards a particular person. It is a huge conglomerate of things. It is a way of life, a way of living. It's the will to do anything for someone; it's the will to give all of yourself to someone else. It is the will to accept all of someone else in return. It is unconditional and miraculous and glorious. Love is scary, wonderful, difficult, painful. It is beautiful in each and every single form. But it is also a disease, spreading and infecting every inch of the body. It is the steady beating of a drum in which the world, in all its entirety, revolves around. So, I ask again, what is love? If you must ask the question, you have no idea what love is, and no amount of explanations will ever help you understand until you experience it firsthand. Because love is far too complicated to put into words and yet, it is all too simple to even explain.

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