Thursday, January 23, 2014

An Illustration

Someone once said that "dreams are illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you." Dreams are as fickle as the hand of fate itself. One minute you can be enjoying a sweet, peaceful dream and the next you are ripped from the blissful scenery and you are thrown into a grotesque nightmare that even the scariest and most damaged of antagonists would fear. However, I wonder, if we can so easily be stripped from our dream, did we even want to be there that much to begin with? You see, dreams are something you fight for. While, yes, it is possible to dream a new dream and even change your current dreams, they are not supposed to be so easily given up on. Dreams are supposed to be fought for. Dreams are supposed to reveal a deeper meaning in our destiny. Dreams are supposed to be our future reality while also being a current escape from it. However, dreams don't just happen. We can't just sit there and expect our dreams to come true. We have to make them happen because as the brilliant William Shakespeare once claimed, "it is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves." If you want to change something, you have to dream it and accomplish it yourself.

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