Sunday, January 5, 2014

Stranded in the Woods

Loss. It's something we all have to deal with at one point of another. It's difficult part of life because let's face it, letting go is never easy. Sometimes it's expected or it's shocking but most of the time it just, is. You don't really have a feeling or an emotion at first, it just is. It comes in multiple forms too. Sometimes the loss is a physical one, like losing a ring or a car key or our favorite CD. Sometimes it's emotional such as losing feelings for someone or losing our ability to smile when all we want to do is cry. Sometimes we experience a mental loss like being annoyed and frustrated with someone to the point of "losing our mind." However, often times, loss is do much more than that. A lot of the time, the loss we must face is like losing a piece of ourselves. It's like being stranded in the woods with nothing but our brains and our body. It's like being so completely out of focus that we hardly remember our own names. However, the good news is that it (the loss) always gets easier with time. Time is the only cure for loss.

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