Thursday, January 23, 2014

An Illustration

Someone once said that "dreams are illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you." Dreams are as fickle as the hand of fate itself. One minute you can be enjoying a sweet, peaceful dream and the next you are ripped from the blissful scenery and you are thrown into a grotesque nightmare that even the scariest and most damaged of antagonists would fear. However, I wonder, if we can so easily be stripped from our dream, did we even want to be there that much to begin with? You see, dreams are something you fight for. While, yes, it is possible to dream a new dream and even change your current dreams, they are not supposed to be so easily given up on. Dreams are supposed to be fought for. Dreams are supposed to reveal a deeper meaning in our destiny. Dreams are supposed to be our future reality while also being a current escape from it. However, dreams don't just happen. We can't just sit there and expect our dreams to come true. We have to make them happen because as the brilliant William Shakespeare once claimed, "it is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves." If you want to change something, you have to dream it and accomplish it yourself.

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Are you looking, do you see?
Do you see up there?
Soaring, flying, so carefree
Lighter than the air

So beautiful, so pretty
Only one to see
So high above the city
Living life so free

Oh how I wish I could fly
Far away from here
So much higher than the sky
So I'm never near

How I envy the bird
Nothing to carry
For not a single word
Could make him worry

Hurry, fly away, be free
Travel somewhere far
For there is a world to see
Just beyond the stars

Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Window to the Soul

Music is the window to the soul. Plain and simple. There is literally a song for everything. It's truly amazing! It's like, when you can't express what you're feeling, there is always a song that explains it perfectly. I personally think it's because music brings out the hopeless romantic in all of us. It is the exploration of the soul through the melodic, poetic sound that just comes naturally to all humans. We always strive to make things better and make them more advanced; but the one thing that doesn't change in music. Sure we have new technology and different tastes but the basics of music haven't changed. It is still the same poetry and melodies and rhythms that people have been able to relate to for thousands of years. That's why music is the cure for the soul. Everyone can relate to it and it connects us to past, present, and future. It makes a smaller piece of the whole world. It makes us realize and feel like someone understands and is listening to us. After all, that's really all we want in life, is for someone to listen to us and understand us.

Who I Want To Be

Let's be honest here, this is probably the most asked question by every single, living, breathing human on this Earth. Who do you want to be? Who do I want to be? Well, I want to be someone who is proud of myself. I want to be a true friend. I want to be someone who makes the people around me better as well as myself. I want to be compassionate. I want to help others. I want to influence the world. I want to conquer my fears because I don't want fear to hold me back. I don't want to be an option. I want to be confident. I want to feel put together. I want to intelligent and knowledgeable and worldly. I want to be someone who knows what I want.
Most importantly, I want to be strong. I want to be free-spirited and opinionated and free-minded. I want to be myself. I want to be comfortable being myself. I want to be someone who loves myself enough to let others love me.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Stranded in the Woods

Loss. It's something we all have to deal with at one point of another. It's difficult part of life because let's face it, letting go is never easy. Sometimes it's expected or it's shocking but most of the time it just, is. You don't really have a feeling or an emotion at first, it just is. It comes in multiple forms too. Sometimes the loss is a physical one, like losing a ring or a car key or our favorite CD. Sometimes it's emotional such as losing feelings for someone or losing our ability to smile when all we want to do is cry. Sometimes we experience a mental loss like being annoyed and frustrated with someone to the point of "losing our mind." However, often times, loss is do much more than that. A lot of the time, the loss we must face is like losing a piece of ourselves. It's like being stranded in the woods with nothing but our brains and our body. It's like being so completely out of focus that we hardly remember our own names. However, the good news is that it (the loss) always gets easier with time. Time is the only cure for loss.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Steady Beating of a Drum

What is love? This is the single, magical question that has been posed by scholars and civilians alike for centuries. So, what is love? Love is a complex and confusing passion that is so powerful it practically hurts. Ironically, it is also practically every girls' (and guys') most sought after emotion. But what most people don't realize, is that love is so much more than just a feeling or an emotion. It's a multitude of indescribable reactions towards a particular person. It is a huge conglomerate of things. It is a way of life, a way of living. It's the will to do anything for someone; it's the will to give all of yourself to someone else. It is the will to accept all of someone else in return. It is unconditional and miraculous and glorious. Love is scary, wonderful, difficult, painful. It is beautiful in each and every single form. But it is also a disease, spreading and infecting every inch of the body. It is the steady beating of a drum in which the world, in all its entirety, revolves around. So, I ask again, what is love? If you must ask the question, you have no idea what love is, and no amount of explanations will ever help you understand until you experience it firsthand. Because love is far too complicated to put into words and yet, it is all too simple to even explain.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Only These Remain

After a long day of fun, partying, and cheer only these remain: hope, love, and faith. Hope that the new year will be better than the last one (or ten). Love for those we care about. Love for those that will be around when we least expect and those that will be there when we need them the most. Faith that the upcoming year will happen, as it inevitably will, for the best. That this year will make us better. Stronger even. That we have the strength to lift a 2 ton weight off of our shoulders. That we have enough strength to deal with the trials and blessings in our long, but incredibly short, lives. We wish for the best out of life. We wish for hope, love, and faith. Little do we realize that instead of wishing, we must be proactive and make it happen . For we must first have known the power of hope, love, and faith to have it again. For only these remain because we know the power and strength their existence holds.

Day 1 of 365 Days

Day 1 of 365 days. Day 1 of the best day of the year. A new beginning. A singular, glorious day in which you have no regrets, no sadness, no hopelessness. A day where anything can happen. A day from which your life begins. Day 1 of 365 days. A day full of shiny, new opportunities. A day full oh hope, joy, and peace. A day when nothing could go wrong. After all, you only live once, right? Day 1 of 365 days. A day full of second, third, twentieth chances. A day full of resolutions and revolutions. Day 1 of 365 days. The first day of a new year. The first step to a brand-new you. The first thoughts of change. Day 1 of 365 days. A day to remember and a day to forget. Day 1 of 365 days. The first day of the beginning, the middle, and the end. Day 1 of 365 days. Just 364 days left. Day 1 of 365 days. Day 1: the best day of the year. Day 1 of 365 days for your life to begin again.