Saturday, December 12, 2015

A Letter to the Girls, Young Ladies, and Women of the World

Dear Girls, Ladies, and Women,
You are special, even if you don't always feel like it.  Every single one of you is beautiful and strong.  We all have different looks, different personalities, different interests but that doesn't make one girl better or more important than any other. We are all special in our own way.

Dear Girls,
There are so many things you should worry about in the world, but the way you look shouldn't be one.  Those mean girls?  They shouldn't be one either.  As a girl, you will always feel insecure about something, even as you grow up.  When I was a girl, I extremely worried about wanting other people to like me; however, as I grew up learned that not everyone is going to like you.  AND THAT IS OKAY.  The girls that are mean to you, and even the boys, they are also probably just as insecure as you are.  Instead of getting upset, just try to put yourself in their shoes.  Be kind to them anyways, even though it's hard.  Trust me, I had issues with this one at your age.  The best you can do is forgive them because you can't change them.  No one is perfect.

Dear Ladies,
You are beautiful just the way you are.  You don't need the makeup.  Although that doesn't mean you don't want it, you just don't NEED it.  You are beautiful on the outside as well as the inside.  Your body is perfect the way it is because it is just the way He intended it to be. You don't need a thigh gap, you also don't need your thighs to touch, you don't NEED your body to be any specific way.  The only person whose opinion matters about you is YOURS.  No one is perfect.

Dear Women,
Sometimes the world seems like too much.  You're constantly busy.  You're working.  You're helping your kids.  You're going through a divorce.  You're worried about finances.  Just take a step back and breathe.  You are strong.  I know this because every experience in your life has been helping you prepare for this moment.  You can make it and you can do it.  You will never get handed more than you can handle.  It may be hell to handle, but you can do it.  Just don't run yourself ragged.  Make sure you set aside some YOU time. And if you make a mistake, it's okay. No one is perfect.

No one is perfect.  We all try our hardest to be the epitome of perfection, but we aren't and that's okay.  It's okay to fail.  It's okay to make mistakes.  We learn from these failures and mistakes.  It happens.  And that's why we are all beautiful.  We are all different but all very similar.  We are all perfectly imperfect.  We are all connected by our imperfectness.  And our imperfections are what make us all beautiful.

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