Monday, June 29, 2015

Bad Timing

"It's just bad timing."  We've all heard these four words before.  Maybe you didn't get that promotion because of "bad timing."  Maybe you didn't get that loan because of "bad timing."  Maybe you didn't buy that dress because of "bad timing."  However, I feel more often than not, we use "bad timing" as an excuse for something much greater than all of those: love.  I get it, while love is a beautiful and a magical and a splendid thing, it is also a very scary and very real thing.  Sometimes we aren't ready to deal with something of that magnitude because of its life changing qualities and its hardships; however, I feel more often, we are just scared.  Scared that it won't work out, scared that someone cares more, scared that one of use will find something better, and scared to let someone into our world and share everything with them.  And it's okay to be scared; we all are.  But you shouldn't let the fear win.  If we live a life giving into our fears we will never be able to be truly happy because in order to be happy, we keep our fears but live in spite of them instead.  If you give into your fears and doubts, amazing things will pass you by and if you let those things pass you by, you may not be able to get them back when you are no longer scared.  So don't let things happen because of "bad timing" because there is no "good timing," there's just time and if you let the time pass by, you will miss all the wonderful things in the world.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Mind Over Heart

Love is a many splendid thing.  However, it is also a rather complicated and often times, confusing thing.  And many times, we don't even realize it and if we do, its often too late.  I think Ernest Hemingway explained it best in his novel, A Farewell to Arms, when Henry is explaining how he feels about Catherine.  He says  "I had treated seeing Catherine very lightly, I had gotten somewhat drunk and had nearly forgotten to come but when I could not see her there I was feeling lonely and hollow." Often times we don't see it or feel it or understand it until one day, it just appears. It just hits you like a brick, out of nowhere.  However, that begs the question: did it randomly appear or was that feeling of love always there?  I believe that the feeling of love is always there but often times we choose to ignore it: we choose mind over heart, we choose fear over courage.  Often our times our minds are clouded by what we think we want instead of what our heart actually wants.  I think that if we let our hearts rule on matters of the heart more people might be happier. I think that if we start choosing courage over fear and heart over mind, the world might be a better place.