Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Invisible Woman

Invisibility can either be a blessing or a curse.  It can be a blessing when someone you are avoiding doesn't see you.  It can be a blessing when you just want to be by yourself and want some much needed "alone time."  However, most times invisibility is a curse.  Especially when others around you don't see it.
"You do this."
"You do that."
"You don't do this."
"You don't do that."
Always calling out your flaws and never your strengths.  Always pointing out what you do wrong but never what you do right or what you do to help them.  You don't call out their flaws, yet all you do is listen to them tell you yours.  You sit there and take it.
"They see you."
Yes, they see the physical, living you; they don't see the you that is slowly drowning inside.  A piece of you slowly dying every day.  They don't see the you that takes all of the criticism to heart.  They don't see the you that is constantly made to feel inferior.  They don't see the you that feels left out of everything: important or not.  They don't see the you that also has feelings.  They don't see the you that cries in the shower out of fear that everyone will see you.  They don't see the you that is slowly breaking and crumbling into pieces in front of them.  Maybe they just don't care as much as you thought?  Maybe they just don't care about the invisible woman inside.